Collection: The Blue Mountain Series

This was my second series and written after my divorce. A lot of what is in the first book is very similar to what I was experiencing at the time. When I wrote Blue Midnight, my girls were the same ages as the heroine’s daughters, Clemmie and Lola. I took direct quotes from Emerson and Ella and put them in the dialogue. That was way too much fun because they said the funniest things back then.

This series is full of family drama, with seasoned romances, big old murders to solve AND SOUL MATES to connect! They’re a little spicier than some of my books, so keep that in mind. In fact, someone left a review of Blue Moon complaining that I was now writing porn! My assistant MaryAnn and I had a good laugh over that one! Given the sexy stuff out there, these are VERY tame. However, I like to mention it just in case a little steamy time isn’t what you like to read.

Regardless, these will make you laugh, keep you guessing and, of course, fall in love with my heroes and the women who love them.