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A Match for a Willful Bride (The Mystery Matchmaker of Ella Pointe Book 4)

A Match for a Willful Bride (The Mystery Matchmaker of Ella Pointe Book 4)

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Whale Island’s nurse has no use for a doctor or a husband. He’s fresh out of medical school with no prospects. Will an interfering mother, two matchmakers and some divine intervention make lovers of these enemies?


I didn’t want him here. I’d do anything to get rid of him. Sabotage his practice. Make sure the islanders knew he was not to be trusted. Push away his overtures of friendship and partnership. What good did a fancy city doctor do for the community anyway? My community. The residents of Whale Island could attest to my competency and compassion. We don’t need outsiders telling us what to do.

Then I find out my mother is the one funding the interloper’s medical practice. My own mother. Why? I can’t fathom why she’d want to ruin my life.

To make matters worse, he’s handsome and charming.


No one wanted me. Not here in the states anyway. I was an outcast. Catholic. Italian. Poor. I’d hoped it would be different in Whale Island and the little town of Ella Pointe. I was wrong. If anything, it’s worse. Mostly because Ella of Ella Pointe hates me and intends to drive me out. Her scheme might work on a man with something to lose, but I have nothing. Nowhere to go and no funds to get there. I must make my medical practice a success or be back on the streets.

There’s one other little thing. I might be falling in love with the enemy.

The fourth installment of Tess Thompson’s fanciful, heartfelt new historical romance series will have you cheering for Lucca and Ella as they find their happy-ever-after. With a little suspense and a lot of family drama, the Tutheridge family will steal your heart!

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